Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can deeply impact one’s life. It often brings overwhelming experiences to the surface. To be triggered means encountering a situation, sound, smell, or image that recalls the trauma. Therefore, leading to...
The recent tornadoes that swept through Texas have left a profound impact on countless lives. Homes were destroyed, communities were upended, and the sense of safety many once felt has been shattered. Amidst this widespread devastation, it is only natural to...
Childhood trauma is defined as any experience during childhood that causes distress or emotional pain. This experience or experiences can be dangerous or harmful leading them to cause long-lasting effects on you as a child. The trauma can range from physical, sexual,...
When you’ve experienced trauma, it can often affect other aspects of your life. One area that may be impacted is your intimate relationships. Trauma can manifest in a variety of ways and can have lasting effects on the way we interact with others. Especially in...
You or others have noticed that in certain situations, you may have a unique reaction compared to others. For example, when you’re faced with a stressful situation, you may become more agitated or withdrawn. Or, when someone is being emotional around you, you...
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