The documentary called “Nickelodeon’s ‘Quiet on Set'” was released recently and has shocked audiences by revealing the dark truth behind childhood stardom in Hollywood. The documentary focuses on the lives of child actors who were stars in...
In the past few weeks, there was a collision between a cargo ship and the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The boat lost power steering leading to several individuals injured and 6 others dead. The collision was a traumatic incident for all involved, and it can trigger...
If you have seen the news, Ruby Franke has been convicted of extreme abuse and neglect. Her defense? Love. She claims that her actions were driven by love for her children. This may sound unsettling to many of us, but let’s look at it through a trauma-informed...
Sex addiction is a when you are disconnected from the present reality, and you are using sexual behavior as a coping mechanism to deal with underlying emotional pain. This addiction can have a profound impact not only on you as the individual struggling with it, but...
Often when people are struggling with sex addiction, they also struggle with finding worth in themselves. Shame from their past actions and behaviors can lead to a lack of self-love, making it even more challenging to break free from the cycle of addiction. Having...
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